Can You Bring Snacks On A Plane?

Can You Bring Snacks On A Plane?

Snacks is one of the categories for which comprehensive rules have been defined by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). Therefore, we have brought to you this useful information so that you pack your bags carefully, especially when you wish to carry some snacks on a plane.

The items you keep in your carry-on and checked baggage are scanned by security officials stationed at a TSA checkpoint. You need to keep a lot of things in mind and proceed with caution when planning your trip. Following TSA food rules will let you go easily through the screening procedure that takes place at TSA checkpoints at airports within the USA.

Due to a long journey, it is possible that you would like to pack some snacks or dinner. You could also find it annoying to pay high prices for snacks at the airport. So, you may get homemade snacks or some readymade snacks to munch. So, it is beneficial to bring legally permitted snacks items, whether they are in your checked or carry-on luggage.

Read ahead about carrying snacks on a plane.

Rules For Snacks, Can You Take Snacks Through TSA?

TSA permits passengers to take snacks without any hassle. But, the only factor you need to be mindful of is the type of snacks i.e., solid or liquid. So, if you take solid snacks, there won’t be any questions in case of carry-ons. 

Can You Take Snacks Through TSA, Rules For Snacks

But, if you have snacks that are gel-based or liquids then the TSA’s 3-1-1 liquids rule will have to be followed.

TSA Rules for Bringing Snacks in Solid Form

Snacks in Solid Form in Carry-on BagsAllowed
Snacks in Solid Form in Checked BagsAllowed

Bringing Snacks in Liquid/Gel Form

Taking Snacks in Liquid/Gel Form in Carry-onAllowed
(Passengers have to follow special instructions & TSA’s liquids rule)
Carrying Snacks in Liquid/Gel Form in CheckedAllowed

Here is a list of some of the items allowed and good snacks to eat on a plane.

S. No.ProductCarry-on BagChecked Baggage
2.Canned FoodsYes (With instructions)Yes
4.Solid ChocolateYesYes
5.Cooked Meat, Seafood, and Vegetable (Without Liquid)YesYes
8.Dips and Spreads (Creamy)Yes, but must not exceed 3.4oz/100 mlYes
9.Fresh EggsYes Yes
10.Dried FruitsYesYes
11.Fresh Fruits and VegetablesYes (with instructions)Yes
12.Fresh Meat and SeafoodYes (with instructions)Yes
13.Nuts Yes Yes 
14.Peanut ButterYes, but must not exceed 3.4oz/100 mlYes
16.Pies and CakesYesYes
17.Sandwiches YesYes
18.Snack BarsYesYes
20.Live LobsterConfirm with your airlineYes

Can You Take Snacks On A Plane?

Well yes, you are allowed to bring healthy packaged snacks or home made snacks on a plane. There are no restrictions or limitations imposed by TSA on the same if they are in solid form.

Take Snacks On A Plane

You can easily bring snacks like:

  • Sandwiches
  • Bread
  • Candies
  • Snack Bars
  • Chocolates
  • Pastas
  • Dried Fruits
  • Cookies 
  • Crackers 
  • Pies and Cakes
  • Pizzas
  • Fruits and Vegetables 

But, if you are flying to the U.S. mainland from Puerto Rico, Hawaii, or the U.S. Virgin Islands, TSA will prohibit you from bringing fruits and vegetables. This action is taken to stop the spread of plant pests. You can get in touch with TSA online for further information on the same.

Types of Liquid Snacks Allowed

As you may already be aware of the TSA liquids rule, you must keep liquid or gel-based best snack foods in containers with a total volume of not more than 3.4 ounces or 100 ml. Else, you can pack them in your checked baggage instead of the hand luggage. Also, these containers need to be placed in a clear quart-sized bag.

Liquid snacks or snacks may include:

  • Chocolate ganache
  • Creamy dips and spreads
  • Hummus
  • Gravy items
  • Creamy cheese
  • Liquid coffee
  • Honey
  • Jam and jelly
  • Yogurt 
  • Juices
  • Soup
  • Maple syrup
  • Peanut butter
  • Salsa and sauces
  • Soda

You are advised to keep all the items already arranged in your bag so as to avoid a cluttered view during X-ray screening. Otherwise, there is a high chance that TSA will conduct additional screening or will ask you to take out the items from your bag. The final decision to let you take the items further rests with them.

Can You Bring Spreadable Snacks On A Plane?

You may be fond of spreadable healthy lunch snacks items like dips, cream cheese, yogurt, jam, jellies, sauces, peanut butter, or any dressing item to spread over bread or other eatable items. They are allowed in carry-ons with the same rule as that of liquids. Please remember that exceeding defined limits will lead to the confiscation of your favorite items.

Bring Spreadable Snacks On A Plane

Did you know?

Once you clear the TSA security checkpoint, you can buy spreadable items or liquids there itself at the airport, and keep them in your carry-on bag without any restrictions on the volume. But, please keep in mind to have their original receipts intact with you, in case you are questioned by an officer ahead.

What Are Some Of The Best Airplane Snacks?

Here is a list of some of the snacks considered ideal to be taken on a plane, as you will have ease gorging on them.

  • Snack Bars
  • Chocolates
  • Dried Fruits
  • Candies
  • Popcorns
  • Cookies 
  • Sandwiches
  • Crackers 
  • Instant items like noodles etc.

But, if you believe that some items like steak, sauces, condiments, or snacks containing onion can cause the packed snacks to stink, it would be better not to bring them onboard. Similarly, liquids that can easily spill can also be avoided. These things might also cause discomfort to the passenger sitting right next to you.

Bottom Lines

So, that was all about carrying snacks on a plane, as per TSA rules. Solids are ok to go, but for liquids, as usual, you need to follow certain restrictions. We sincerely hope that this guide will be beneficial to you. If you have questions about taking any items, other than what is given here, you must directly connect with TSA through their Twitter or Facebook handle i.e., AskTSA.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I bring snacks on a plane?

Yes, you can bring snacks on a plane.

What types of solid airplane snacks are allowed?

You can bring sandwiches, bread, candies, cookies, crackers, cakes, pizzas, chocolates, and more.

Can you take snacks in hand luggage?

Yes, you can take snacks in hand luggage. But, make sure to follow the liquids rule for liquid snacks.

Can you bring snacks through airport security?

Yes, you can bring snacks through airport security.

Can you bring closed snacks on a plane?

Yes, you can bring closed snacks on a plane.

Can you bring homemade snacks on a plane?

Yes, you can bring homemade snacks on a plane.


  • I'm on a special diet, and I need to bring my own snacks. Are there any limitations on bringing protein bars and nuts on board?
  • alsa gomez
  • Can I bring a whole unopened bag of candy on the plane? Or do I need to transfer them to a resealable container?

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