Can You Bring Pepper Spray On A Plane? Fly With Self Defense Spray

Can You Bring Pepper Spray On A Plane? Fly With Self Defense Spray

The word travel enthuses us to make plans and just go for it. Of course, travel brings a fun journey to explore new dimensions of life. However, uncertainties may arise anytime. And we must have a foolproof plan in hand to deal with such situations. One such measure is carrying items to safeguard your life. Well, the basic requirement among all is carrying pepper spray, especially when you travel solo.

Can you bring pepper spray on a plane? as per the rules set by the TSA, it is to be checked in advance, this is important, due to the strong security measures implemented by the TSA. Take a complete look at this blog to stay conversant with TSA approved pepper spray guidelines.

Is it legal to Carry Pepper Spray?

Each and every country has its own set of rules. Some countries do allow carrying pepper spray, while some allow the same within acceptable limits including age concerns. Besides, some countries allow you to buy it from an authorized dealer.

It is important to gather such information well in advance. As far as possible, you must be aware of every single detail about the destination you are going to visit. In fact, you also need to be aware of local state laws if you are traveling domestically.

Can I Bring Pepper Spray On A Plane?

TSA considers carrying pepper spray important from the perspective that it is to be used as a self-defense tool by a passenger. However, some may use it as a weapon, causing harm to lives to people. Therefore, TSA does not allow taking pepper spray in a carry-on bag. But, it may be placed in checked luggage within permissible limits.

Is Pepper Spray Allowed in Carry-on Baggage?

Considering the risk involved with such an item, TSA does not approve of the idea to keep pepper spray in your carry-on bag. There are chances that the mace or pepper spray may get opened unintentionally on the flight.

This might pose a danger to the one carrying the same and other passengers around. There could be severe breathing and coughing issues. You need to be mindful that if you carry a pepper spray canister in your pocket, it might lead to the buzzing of alarm at the TSA security checkpoint. You will not be allowed to carry it further.

Can I Carry Pepper Spray in Checked Luggage?

Yes, TSA allows you to carry pepper spray in your checked luggage only within acceptable limits. A spray container of 4 Fluid Ounces or 118 ml may be placed in checked baggage per passenger. Nevertheless, you are suggested to check that it has a safety cap to the trigger point. Also, secure its position or place it in such a way that no leakage or discharge occurs by mistake.

In addition, sprays that have over 2% by mass of tear gas (CS or CN) are not allowed to be placed in checked baggage. You are required to check the label while buying pepper spray, as tear gas content exceeding the permissible limit won’t be allowed even in checked baggage.

TSA strongly advises you to confirm with your airline whether it is allowed to carry pepper spray, as many airlines have declared it among the prohibited list of items.

Why are Pepper Sprays Not Allowed in Cabins?

The TSA is in charge of maintaining safety of passengers and crew on board. It does not permit you to take pepper sprays in your hand luggage, as this item can cause a chaotic situation on board. Especially, it may be used as a weapon by anti-social elements or people who want to create terror.

In some of the cases earlier, passengers were found to be facing instant health issues when pepper sprays were accidently used on board.


We recommend that before going on air travel, you must be ready with answers to questions such as whether you kept the pepper spray in checked-in luggage only as per TSA rules and whether its opening is tightly secured to avoid leakage. Besides, you are also informed that your destination state or country allows carrying pepper spray.

FAQs On Can You Bring Pepper Spray On A Plane?

Here are some of the common questions asked by travelers about Can You Bring Pepper Spray on a Plane. Make sure to read.

Can you take pepper spray on a plane?

Yes, pepper spray can be taken only in checked baggage within approved limits. You are not allowed to keep it in your hand luggage. Make sure to follow the restrictions, otherwise, your item will be confiscated.

Can you put pepper spray in a checked bag?

Yes, you can put pepper spray in a checked bag as per TSA-approved limits. Each passenger may bring one spray bottle with a capacity of 4 fluid ounces (118 ml). You are advised to verify that it has a safety cap fixed to the trigger point. Additionally, ensure that it is positioned securely or that no accidental leaks or discharges take place. Sprays that contain more than 2% of mass of tear gas (CS or CN) are prohibited from being included in checked luggage.

Can you bring pepper spray on an international flight?

Pepper spray can be taken on an international flight and the TSA rules remain the same. However, every airline has its own guidelines. The TSA advises you to confirm the same with your airline in advance. If you fail to do so, it might result in issues at the end moment at the airport.

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    luna evans
  • Is it true that some airlines allow small pepper spray canisters in checked luggage? I've heard conflicting information and want to be sure before my trip next month.
  • mary young
  • Has anyone successfully brought pepper spray on a plane before? I'm traveling alone soon and want to ensure my safety.

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