Can You Bring Handcuffs On A Plane?

Can You Bring Handcuffs On A Plane?

Are you a member of the police or a security guard and wish to bring handcuffs on a flight? If yes, you must be wondering whether you’re allowed to bring handcuffs by the TSA or not. Else, there could be other reasons that you wish to pack handcuffs in your bag and are concerned with the same thought about whether can you bring handcuffs on a plane.

How Can You Bring Handcuffs on a Plane As Per TSA?

Whatever the reason to bring handcuffs is, the rules about bringing them on an aeroplane can be confusing. Well, there is good news: handcuffs are allowed in both carry-on and checked luggage.

In this post, we’ll go over everything you need to know about travelling with handcuffs and how to make the airport experience easy and stress-free. So, get ready to learn everything that is there to know about this fascinating subject.

TSA Guidelines for Bringing Handcuffs

The first response to the question of whether you can bring handcuffs on an aircraft is that you absolutely can. However, before you put your handcuffs in your carry-on or checked luggage, there are a few guidelines you need to be aware of.

The handcuffs may be made of metal if you are bringing them in your carry-on luggage, but they should not appear as weapons. There could be restrictions to putting handcuffs of certain materials in this bag. You may have to pack them in checked luggage.

Well, there could be specific rules set by your airline and destination country also. Get in touch with the customer support team of your airline or browse through their website for details. You must collect all the necessary information beforehand. You can post a tweet asking your question and tagging the TSA Team (@AskTSA) for a response.

TSA Guidelines for Bringing Handcuffs

Also worth mentioning is the possibility that the TSA will need to check your handcuffs during the security screening procedure. It’s a good idea to pack them such that they are simple to access and take out from your bag, to avoid delays during inspection. They need to be kept in a separate tray or bin for verification.

Finally, if you’re bringing handcuffs for work-related reasons, be ready to provide proper identification and/or documents as proof that you have permission to carry them. This could be a badge for a security guard or law enforcement agency, among other official records.

Is It Illegal to Own Handcuffs?

Owning handcuffs is not against the law, but if you intend to use them in public or on an aircraft, you must be aware of certain laws and guidelines.

First and foremost, be sure you have the proper authorization to carry handcuffs. A law enforcement badge or security guard licence are common examples of formal identification or certification that is needed for this.

It’s also important to keep in mind that some jurisdictions and nations have rules and laws regarding the possession of handcuffs. For instance, it’s prohibited to carry handcuffs in some states or countries unless you’re a certified security guard or law enforcement officer.


It’s a good idea to conduct some research on the rules and legislation in your location before you travel with handcuffs. You can stay clear of any problems or legal issues by doing this.

In What Situations Handcuffs Can be Prohibited on Planes?

Although handcuffs are typically permitted aboard aeroplanes, there are several circumstances where they might not be. The TSA might seize the handcuffs, for instance, if it determines that they pose a security concern or could be used as a weapon.

Similarly, you might not be allowed to bring handcuffs with you if you’re visiting a nation with stringent rules regarding them. To avoid any problems, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with the rules and legislation of your destination before you depart.

Finally, it’s important to remember that even if an item isn’t clearly listed as being prohibited, the TSA has the authority to reject anything if they believe it poses a security risk. Always be sure to check with the TSA in advance if you’re unsure whether you can bring handcuffs on your flight.

Can I Bring Handcuffs on a Plane in a Carry-On Bag?

Yes, handcuffs are permitted in your carry-on luggage. They may be made of metal, but they shouldn’t look like a weapon, as they can be used to harm passengers on board.

Additionally, it’s crucial to pack your handcuffs in a systematic way so that they are simple to take out and can be checked separately during the security screening procedure. The TSA officer may also conduct additional verification if something is found suspicious.

It may be noted that the TSA has rigorous guidelines concerning what can and cannot be packed in carry-on bags, and that any things that violate these guidelines will be seized at the screening checkpoint.

You must check the TSA’s list of forbidden items before you pack your baggage to make sure there won’t be any problems. Among other things, this list consists of things like weapons, explosives, and flammable liquids. Some of these items might be allowed but within certain limits. So, gather all the details in advance and proceed accordingly with your travel.

Can You Take Handcuffs on a Plane in Checked Baggage?

You can also include your handcuffs in your checked luggage if you don’t feel comfortable travelling with them in your carry-on bag. You won’t experience any problems with handcuffs being seized because the TSA permits them in both carry-on and checked luggage.

To prevent damage to your handcuffs during transit, it’s crucial to pack them carefully. To avoid any scratches, you might want to think about putting them in a case or covering them in bubble wrap.


Your doubts related to whether can you take handcuffs on a plane must be clear by now. In conclusion, it is typically acceptable to bring handcuffs on a flight, but there are a few guidelines that you should be aware of. When transporting handcuffs, it’s crucial to pack them such that they are simple to access and can be examined separately by the TSA officer.

You should also be ready to provide proper identification and/or documents if required. To make sure you’re not breaking any restrictions on carrying handcuffs, it’s also a good idea to find out the laws and regulations of the state or country you are going to visit. Also, you can confirm the related rules defined by your airline. 

You can enjoy a simple and stress-free experience when travelling with handcuffs by proceeding as per these suggestions and instructions.

Can You Bring Handcuffs On A Plane (FAQs)

Here are some of the most commonly asked questions on whether can you bring handcuffs on a plane. Give it a read and plan accordingly. 

Can I take handcuffs on a plane?

Yes, you can take handcuffs in your hand luggage and/or checked baggage. If you are bringing the handcuffs in your hand luggage, they may be composed of metal, but they shouldn’t look like weapons. There might be limitations on what kinds of handcuffs you can place in this bag. They might need to go in your checked luggage if they are made of a certain material restricted by the TSA. Therefore, it is advised to collect the necessary information before you pack your bags for travel.

Is it legal to carry around handcuffs?

Certainly! There are no issues in carrying handcuffs in your cabin or checked baggage. However, be sure to check in advance they are not made of certain material which is restricted by the TSA. Furthermore, you must be aware of the rules defined by your airline and the destination state or country.

Can I bring handcuffs on a plane on an international flight?

Yes, handcuffs can be taken on international flights. Nevertheless, stay informed about the rules set by the airline you have made a reservation with. Similarly, it’s important to collect details about the laws and guidelines set by the state or country you are going to visit. Otherwise, you may land in trouble and have to face disappointment on your business or leisure trip.


    Verne Melton
  • Is there a legal distinction between law enforcement officers carrying handcuffs and regular passengers? How does the law come into play here?
  • Mary Powers
  • If it's not allowed, how do airport security scanners detect handcuffs in luggage? Are they flagged during routine screenings?
  • Brian
  • I was able to have handcuffs on a plane when traveling as security no issues just tell the tsa people who you are and they will allow it

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